
First, research on spaces, then, Tom

Tom would be the name of the space. After much thought and research about several other independent spaces—Foxriver (SG), soft/WALL/studs (SG), Peninsular (SG), The Artist’s Institute (NY), W139 (NL), Billytown (NL)— I came up with Tom.


It’s a little silly, but I’d like to think of a space as a person. To name an art space like we would name a son, a cat, or a song, rather than an organisation. This way we would not impose unnecessary pressure on a space to be something that it might not end up being, especially since it has only just came into being.

soft/WALL/studs ↑

The name was also to be a reminder to think of spaces not as cold, lifeless, bureaucratic institutions, but rather as something more human. A spaces faces the same conditions as humans, having its good days and its bad days. It comes into being one day and will die one day.

Billytown (NL) ↑

The Artist’s Institute (NY) ↑

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