

At this point we’ve decided to close    —Tom. I was quite sure about this because I’d like that we all go back to taking better care of ourselves and focusing on our art, our life and whatever else we’re doing. Let’s not want to many things. We should do whatever is within our capacity, and constantly evaluate this. Let’s not celebrate or romanticise the struggle of being an artist or working in the arts. We are precarious workers but we should not want to be this way. We should take care of ourselves, say no more often, do the practical things, and ultimately make sure we have the energy and stability to keep on going.

So we’re closing the space but looking forward to the future.

A message:
With that I would like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, Seung Ji who has worked tirelessly with me on making this happen. Without you I would not —Tom probably would not have opened. I would be too depressed, demoralised and lack the confidence to run the space.

To Jeremy, thanks for everything even though it already wasn’t a smooth time for you. I hope in some strange way the project and our company was good to you. It certainly was for me.

To Guyrence, Odelia, and Liling thank you for trusting in us and the project and for chipping in.

And to Renée thanks for tolerating my mopy, tired and stressed nights.