
Without which, would have been impossible

I began asking for help actively on facebook. Firstly, I knew that if I allow people to chip in and help in their own ways, it gives them a way to feel attached to the space even before it has began functioning.

Bar table I had built from found wood, fridge that was mouldy that I cleaned and lugged down from the third floor (wasn’t a good day)

Secondly, I was also running out of steam, slightly regretting my decision to take up this project that was draining me. Asking for help was not so much something that eased my tiredness because communication has always been something I dread and am really bad at (so having to message multiple people arranging for ways that they can contribute was tiring too). But nevertheless the 20 plus people that reached out to me to offer their help (in the form of donations mostly), was a necessary form of validation, in order for me to have confidence in pushing for the existence of the space.

The missing element in the cafe was wood! Relational aesthetics! Wood fixtures although purely decorational changed the space from a recognisable studio space in Mcnally to a new space that seemed built. There is a nice handmade, DIY quality to the space that I had always wanted.

Thirdly, asking for used items and donations, recycling wood and materials to build the space, and doing most of the things DIY, lighting, patching of walls, building of furniture, cabling, was a very important way to cut cost and reduce waste. The space would not run for long, it doesn’t make sense to buy items to furnish the space especially when most of these things can be sourced and reused from friends. I also want to be conscientious about spending on things, channelling most of the money into paying artists and on necessary things. It was a process of figuring out what we need and do not need about art or exhibition-making.

After questioning everything, we still settled on vinyl cut-outs for our opening hours and sign. It’s fast, precise, professional and actually cheap in Singapore.

Do we need wine at the opening? Do we need a catalogue? Do we need to serve iced drinks? Do we pay the artists?

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